Monday, May 26, 2003

Free State Project Last night my wife and I were at our friends house and as usual talk turned to politics. These are great people. Well I brought up The Free State. And we all decided that we are going to move there one day. But I wont sign up until I could commit. I will follow with what I commit to. But it got me wondering, how many other families are there just like us that will drop everything and move to the Free State, but waiting to commit? The decision of what state will make a huge difference. We live in Washington State and are partial to the choice being Wyoming or Montana. I love the Northwest. The weather, the land. I cant really imagine living on the east coast. The draw for us will be if it is a place that we can raise our kids. We want woods and room to run. That is the most important to us.

I am enjoying Claire Wolfe's blog. She has been fighting for freedom and now I can link to her Blog. Reading what she has written on keeping the baby unnumbered is cool even though we already kept our son's birth unrecorded. We have a choice. Just say no to Tyranny.